1. Register for your free Verrado Way user account
Preferable if done from your computer and not your mobile device. From the HOME PAGE click on the Register/Login tab at the upper right screen. You can also access your Register or Login screen from the MY ACCOUNT tab in the Main Menu above our HEADER GRAPHIC.

You’ll be directed to the Sign Up\Register page. Include your phone number so we can verify your event and remember your assigned user name (you’ll need it again soon). Once registered be sure to LOG IN.

2. Find your event on our website
Click on the EVENTS tab on the main menu and select the SEARCH ALL EVENTS

SEARCH for your EVENT by typing it in the SEARCH BOX on the right or do an alpha search under CURRENT or UPCOMING EVENTS

3. Claim your event listing
Click on your LISTING to go to your DETAIL PAGE. Once your DETAIL PAGE opens, click on CLAIM OWNERSHIP tab located above the Photos/Map section.

A pop-up will open for you to complete the fields. Include your phone number (Contact No) so we can verify that you are the owner/manager of your event. Your USER NAME was assigned during your registration (Step 1). If you don’t recall your user name, just click on MY ACCOUNT tab to view your info

4. Verification
Your event listing will be reviewed, and you might be contacted by phone for verification. Once approved (usually within 24 hrs) you’ll be able to go to your listing and click on the EDIT tab at the right of your listing screen above the PHOTO/MAP section. This is best done from a computer and not mobile phone.

From your EDIT screen you can modify your event description, confirm that your event address and info are correct. IMPORTANT: Swap out our PHOTO for a photo of your choice describing your event.
Increase your exposure, add more information
You can enhance your FREE LISTING by selecting our UPGRADED or PREMIUM listings package that will enable you to add more info about your event, be listed in multiple categories, add more photos, add your logo, and be featured in the EVENT CATEGORY PAGE or on the HOME PAGE. Lots of options!