DMB held a Board Meeting on Zoom on Monday (3/13/23) to select a landscape contractor to replace Gothic Landscaping Company, the current landscapers of Verrado that, seemingly, everyone hates. Although the resident member of the Landscape Advisory Committee and current Board Member abstained from voting because he felt that the LAC’s input was not considered fully, the other Board Members voted to select Brightview Landscaping without any dissention.
Five landscaping companies responded to the RFP (Request for Proposals) sent from Cohere, who conducted the search and managed the RFP process. CoHere stated that all things being equal, Brightview is a large national company with deep resources and that was a reason to choose them. The LAC did have the opportunity to speak with 2 of Brightview’s references and reported that they said wonderful things about them. Fingers crossed!
On the Brightview Landscaping website at https://www.brightview.com they list Anthem (north of Phoenix) in their customer portfolio. I believe it was stated that Estrella is also a client. The BrightView budget is valued at $3.285 M / year and the contract is for 3 years, with the option for their removal for poor performance on 60 day’s notice from Verrado – and Brightview can terminate with 120-day notice to Verrado.
Bightview will have 39 full time employees dedicated to Verrado and will also purchase a street sweeper specific for use in Verrado. Their deliverables will be greater than what Gothic was providing in their base price and the Verrado Community Association has additional funds for plant and tree replacement due to storms.
Brightview contract begins April 1, 2023, approx.10 days after Gothic’s current contract ends. During the transition, Brightview will have approx. a dozen employees on site to manage any emergencies until the full staff is available beginning April 1. Once they are here, CoHere’s Landscaping Director will work closely with Brightview to prioritize new plantings including adding year-round color throughout the community.
As a Verrado / Victory resident, it is important for you to complete the Community Concern form available on the resident portal at www.Verrado.com if you see any landscaping problem areas that need to be addressed. It’s our community so please be an involved resident.