Indian School Road Update. Beginning Monday, June 27, crews will begin construction of the medians and re-paving of Indian School Road from Sunrise Lane to the Fry’s shopping center, with a goal of finishing these two important improvements before school starts Aug. 8. During this time, there will be no left turn lanes on Indian School during construction while the barricades are in place.
Once paving is complete, the dedicated left turn lanes at Pioneer Drive and 197th Avenue will remain in place, however, traffic will still be restricted with barricades until gutters, sidewalks, landscaping, streetlights and other road improvements are complete later this year. Project completion is targeted for the end of the year when Indian School will have two through lanes in each direction, landscaped medians and dedicated left and right turn lanes by Verrado High School and the shopping center. In addition, new westbound left turn lanes will be added at Park Street and Acacia Way.
For questions about this project, please contact Ray Fellows, Construction Manager at 480-486-6273 or rfellows@dmbinc.com.