neighborhood blogs

Development is booming in Verrado

Development is booming in Verrado

Established in 2002 and now, nearly 20 years later, Verrado has passed its 50% build out. The last two years has seen Verrado’s wildest rapid growth yet. And that was just for starters because development is continuing at break-neck speeds.

Tap on the COMMUNITY section and then tap on the individual district to see the new attractions on the near horizon that’ll bring homes, amenities, infrastructure, and services to each of Verrado’s six unique districts.

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Development Update – Village Grove

Residential growth 337 lots currently under construction in Phase 4, which completes this district Home sales are anticipated to begin in late 1st quarter of 2022 by Richmond American, Woodside Homes and Taylor Morrison Homes. Phase 4 is north of Verrado High School, west of the Pioneer alignment, south of… Read more »