In a May 2023 Verrado Leadership meeting, our Buckeye City Councilman (and Verrado resident) Clay Goodman answered some burning questions that we are sharing with all of you:
Who owns and maintains the Roads in Victory & Verrado? Are they owned and maintained by the City of Buckeye?
ANSWER: Public Works owns and provides maintenance to all roads in Verrado and Victory EXCEPT those that are labeled as private. The streets labeled private are maintained by the HOA.
Who do residents go to regarding requesting a Speed Limit Change?
ANSWER: John Willet, The City’s Traffic Engineer. You can reach him at jwillet@buckeyeaz.gov . Public Works conducts speed surveys. This data is provided to the City’s Traffic Engineer who makes the determination. Once Public Works has been notified of a speed limit change, new signs are installed.
Can there be more police patrol cars to stop the speeders in Verrado?
ANSWER: There are 3 unmarked patrol cars assigned to Verrado and they do give out speeding tickets, in addition to the marked police cars you see in our community.
Will there be a light going in at Marketside and McDowell?
ANSWER: Per the Verrado Master Street Study the intersection of Market Street/McDowell Road will have a traffic signal. Traffic signals are installed when the traffic volumes exist that justify their installation. DMB/Verrado is responsible for the design/construction of the traffic signal. The city will work with DMB to collect traffic data to evaluate when a traffic signal is warranted to be installed and then work with DMB to install the traffic signal.
Are there plans to widen the I-1O now that the current widening project is coming to an end and life is returning to normal?
ANSWER: Yes, a 4th traffic lane will be added to east and westbound I-10 in Buckeye and that will begin soon. However, this expansion will not require extended lane closures like the current expansion did. And Jackrabbit Tr and McDowell Rd will be widened and a traffic signal will be installed…eventually.
With all of the development that includes industrial and retail, will that affect our taxes? Some places have reduced taxes when they have a lot of industrial and retail.
ANSWER: Yes, any type of growth (i.e., residential, industrial, and retail) within the City will lower the City’s property tax rate.
Will there be new cell phone towers going up in and around Verrado? Will these new cell phone towers have to be permitted through Development Services? Will Development Services or Permitting be privy as to when they are going in?
ANSWER: All new cell towers proposed in Verrado do need to come through City of Buckeye Development Services Department for zoning and permitting. There are no new towers currently being proposed in Verrado that we are aware of, but there are two that are working to co-locate on existing towers with an existing carrier. The two that are co-locating with an existing carrier are at Verrado High School and Redman Field east of Heritage Elementary School.
Is DMB building a regional park? And if so, is there a timeframe?
ANSWER: DMB is in the process of wrapping up their site planning for the Phase 1 “East District Regional Park” on approximately 11 acres. The first phase of the park is intended for Verrado residents and includes a covered gathering area with seating and tables, outdoor Bar-B-Q, playground with climbing, slides, crawl spaces, two shade canopies, open grass fields, outdoor seating, splash pad w/seating, restroom, and storage building. There is an opportunity to expand the park with more amenities over �me including park development of 5.6 acres east of Phase 1, but the timing on future phases is unknown.
A resident said he religiously listens to the City Council and Planning & Zoning Meetings on YouTube. He said that the volume is really low (lower than other YouTube channels) and he can barely hear them. He is wondering if the volume can be adjusted so people can hear the meetings belter.
ANSWER: We compared the audio from a few other YouTube streams with similar content and the volume seemed comparable on our devices. We will, however, make an adjustment to increase the output level for the next meetings tomorrow and see how that impacts the stream. If contact information for the resident is available, we would be happy to reach out and work with him to try and improve this further. (Resident’s contact information was provided).
What’s the vision for Buckeye airport?
ANSWER: Buckeye Municipal Airport serves as a major economic engine for not only the city but for the entire region. The long-term vision for BXK looks to include:
- Future 10,000 ft Cargo & General Aviation Runways
- Expanded General Aviation Operations
- New Cargo & Military Operations.
More clarification on Post Offices.
ANSWER: Per Precious Jackson-Paton / USPS Customer Relations – Buckeye Postmaster Paul Jackson who is the responsible person to contact regarding any plans to expand services at the Buckeye Post Office. You can reach him at 623-386-3117.
According to Mr. Jackson, his office had an Operational Industrial Engineer visit and measured the building to determine if an expansion is feasible. Mr. Jackson states his office was placed on a list for Headquarters officials to determine if his office would be recommended for expansion. New offices must be recommended by the Vice President, Area Operations, for final approval by the Chief Marketing/Sales Officer. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide a timeline of this process.
We understand residents’ desire for the establishment of a new Post Office in their community. The Postal Service closely monitors growing communities. We expand service when necessary to meet our customers’ needs and to maintain a quality level of service. However, community growth in itself is not sufficient cause to establish an independent Post Office. We generally consider establishment of an independent Post Office when present Postal facilities fail to meet the needs of the community. Post Offices are not established for the primary purpose of providing community identity or to conform delivery areas to corporate boundaries (Postal Operations Manual 123.2).
What is the correct phone number for the Buckeye PD Non-Emergency Line?
ANSWER: The correct number is 623-386-4421. This number provides dispatch with a caller ID feature which is very useful.
Are there any plans for a bank to be constructed in Verrado?
ANSWER: Chase Bank has announced plans to build at McDowell & Jackrabbit Tr.
In regard to the Downtown Buckeye Project – will there be a grant program for businesses interested in opening?
ANSWER: Per Economic Development – The Economic Development Catalyst Program is designed to promote the rehabilitation of existing commercial, industrial, or mixed-use propertiess by offering up to $50,000 of City funding (per project) toward improvement costs. Businesses interested in learning more about the program can do so online. htps://www.growbuckeye.com/pages/59d6e980c0c248b6a29b04d59edef753
Thank you for the useful information.